In my previous blog post, A New Year to be enriched – A Blog Series: Part 1, I spoke about the many things planned for 2022 and all of the ways I am bringing more joy and focus on the important things such as my health and making more time for art!
Here’s a quick health update: It has been 18 months since my cancer diagnosis-can you believe that?- and 16 months since my cancer surgery.
I’ve had a few procedures since then which I documented over on my Instagram (along with the impromptu art I made while in the hospital).
drum roll please……
The doctors have told me that I am cancer free!!!
Praise the Lord!
I have multiple routine follow up screenings scheduled in January to check on my progress. I have been so grateful for your love and support through it all. I would be so thankful if you can continue to keep me in your thoughts and prayers for my screenings.
In the last few months of 2021, I also felt my auto-immune disorder’s symptoms creeping up and it has reminded me most importantly to always prioritize my health, physical and mental.
So, I am committing to a healthy lifestyle for 2022 by doing the following to start:
- Daily 30 minute walks with my fur babies, Bacheeg and Booboo.
- Touch paint at least 5 minutes per day. My amazing mentor, Annamieka Hopps Davidson, urged me to touch paint (make art) for at least 5 minutes per day. It all started when I shared with her how stressed I was feeling for not having any time to create. Even though I love what I do, my art has been taking a backseat to the business side of things. This exercise changed my whole mindset in less than just a few days! I realized touching base with my art materials even for 5 minutes a day kept me engaged and inspired. See what I’ve been creating over in my Instagram stories.
- Continuing my weekly telemedicine sessions with my amazing Grace, Dr. Grace that is! She has a talent for putting things in perspective for me and I always feel 100% better after our call.
- I am documenting everything I eat in My Fitness Pal which has made me more mindful of what is going in my body. It’s been eye opening to say the least.
- Making sure I walk away from my office by 5:00 pm every day to give my mind a break and spend quality time with my family.
These are not resolutions. I refuse to call them that. They are part of my ongoing adjustments to live my best life and always make sure to check in with myself to make sure I am spending my days joyfully and purposely.

“Bird Yogi”, a member of my Tweet Town mini series, reminding me to take care of my health!
- “Artist”, a Tweet Town Member
- “Girlie Girl”, a Tweet Town Member
- “New Driver!”, a Tweet Town Member
- “Selfie Queen”, a Tweet Town Member